Welcome to the TZ MAPS catalog, a revolutionary offer in the world of maritime cartography


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Areas displayed are for guidance only and do not reflect exact coverage.

Access the most complete and accurate marine chart data with TIMEZERO

VECTOR or RASTER? Do not ask yourself the question anymore! Every time Raster and Vector formats are available, TZ MAPS will include them both as standard. Thanks to our agreements with many hydrographic offices, TZ MAPS offers coverage for Europe, North America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific. Vector data is available for every area, while raster data (scanned and georeferenced paper charts) is available for areas where the information has been supplied by an Official Hydrographic Office or select private navigational chart supplier. A fantastic way to compare data and make sure you get the best information available. We have put considerable effort into developing our color palettes, providing users with a very pleasant display that is both user-friendly and easy to interpret. High-resolution satellite photos are also included in our standard offer.

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Access the full list of TZ MAPS nautical charts

All nautical chart zones

Updated nautical charts at any time

When you purchase a zone, regular updates are included for one year. Updating your charts is incredibly simple, just click on the "update" button available on all our products. After one year, you can choose to subscribe to our permanent update service via our online store at store.mytimezero.com. Finally, when you purchase a TZ MAPS area for TZ Navigator or TZ Professional PC software; you can use it for free on our mobile application TZ iBoat, available on iOS app.

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